Thursday 03,2025 02:03:01 AM
Alhaj Amir Hossain Amu is present as Chief Guest in a reception to HRPB president
Flower is giving to Chief Guest of the Reception organized by Jhalakathi Press Club
Jhalakathi Press Club is giving reception to Manzill Murshid
A reception to Manzill Murshid for achieving Poribesh Award 2015
Chief Guest is delivering speech at Jhalakathi organized by Press Club
President Jhalakathi Press Club is delivering speech
President Jhalakathi Press Club, Minister Amir Hossain Amu, Advocate Manzill Murshid, Syed Shah Alam and Saifullah Ponir
Syed Shah Alam, Mobarak Hossain Mollik, Afjal Hossain, Manzill Murshid and Vice Chairman Jhalakathi Upazila Porishad