Monday 01,2025 02:16:03 AM
ATN Bangla Chief Executive Joy e Mamun is addressing at Seminar on 25.05.24 at Press Club
Prof. Sheikh Hafizur Rahman is addressing at Seminar on 25.05.24 at Press Club
IBFB President Humayun Rashid is addressing at HRPB Seminar on 25.05.24 at Press Club
Barrister Shamim Haider is addressing at HRPB Seminar on 25.05.2024 at National Press Club
HRPB President Senior Advocate Manzill Murshid is deliverying speech at Seminar on 25.05.24 at Press Club
ACC Chairman Mohammad Moinuddin Abdullah is delivering speech at Seminar on 25.05.24 at Press Club
HRPB President Advocate Manzill Murshid is delivering speech in Seminar at Press Club on 04.06.22
NRCC Chairman Dr Manzur A Choudhury is delivering speech on 4 6 22 at HRPB discussion meeting
Former DG Enviorenment Dr Sultal Ahmed is delivering speech at HRPB Discussion meeting
Joint Editor Prothom Alo Sohrab Hasan is delivering speech at HRPB Discussion meeting
USA নিউজ অনলাইনে ০৯.১০.২০২১ তারিখে HRPB প্রেসিডেন্ট অ্যাডভোকেট মনজিল মোরসেদ এর সাক্ষাৎকার।
Speech of Advocat Mnazill Murshid on 'Rights of Rivers' Launch of the English Bangla High Court.
Speech of Advocate Manzill Murshid in Global Forum on Rights of Nature & a Healthy Environment
Speech of HRPB President Manzill Murshid at virtual meeting of NRC and National River Alliance
Sirajgonj kombol Footage 29 12 2019 Sohagpur SK Govt High School
HRPB President Manzill Murshid attended in 3rd OIC Member State Conference on 01 11 19
6th Istanbul Conference held on 31 10 2019 attended by Adv Manzill Murshid
News on Seminar organized by HRPB UK held on 28.07.2019
Interview of HRPB president Manzill Murshid with 52 bangal TV London
Kobori Sarwar is delevering speech as Chief Guest at HRPB Award ceremony held on 21 10 18
Jewel Ayes is delivering speech at HRPB Award ceremony held on 21 10 18 2
HRPB President Manzill Murshid is delivering speech at HRPB Award ceremony held on 21.10.18
HRPB Award 2017 receiver Professor Abdullah Abu Syed is delivering speech
HRPB Award 2016 receiver Dr Samanta Lal Sen is delivering speech
HRC Chairman is delivering speech as Chief Guest at HRPB Award ceremony held on 21.10.18
Adv Joynul Abedin SCBA President is delivering speech at HRPB Award ceremony held on 21.10.18
Speech of Former Chief Justice Md Muzammel Hossain in Inauguration of HRPB 12 Years Celebration
Speech of HRPB President in inaugration of 12 Years Celebration on 17.11.16
Speech of Justice AHM Shamsuddin Choudhury in HRPB 12 Years Celebration on 17.11.16
Speech of SCBA President Yusuf Hussain Humayun in Inauguration of 12 Years Celebration on 17.11.16