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Sunday 03,2025 08:39:59 AM

  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)
  • Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB)

You are here :: Introduction

(ACT XXI OF 1860)


1. The name of the Society shall be HUMAN RIGHTS AND PEACE FOR BANGLADESH.

2. The Registered office of the Society shall be situated at 36 B 1, Mirpur Road, Boshundhora Goli, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh.

2.1. It is a, Non Profitable, Non Political, Non Government Voluntary and Charitable Society. All the objects mentioned hereunder will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the government/concerned authority or competent authority and the objects contrary of the provision of section 20 of the Act shall be treated as ineffective.


3.a. The object of the Society shall be to secure the operation of the legal system, promotes access to justice, and shall in particular provide free legal aid by suitable skims as well as to help to develop the institutional facilities necessary for strengthening constitutional governance, democracy, peace, rule of law and Human Rights.

3.b. to promote study and research in order to work out a comprehensive strategy for implementation of Fundamental Rights;

3.c. to promote study of laws and facilities relating to Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR);

3.d. to promote and help creating facilities and to provide training for conciliation, mediation and arbitration, both national and international;

3.e. to offer facilities for mediation, conciliation and arbitration to such organizations, companies and to the individuals as may be sought for;

31. to organize lectures, courses and training of the professionals, lawyers, development workers, Human Right activists and for the people in general;

3.g. to provide health services to the poor and sick people by way of establishing Clinic, Hospital;

3.h. to take necessary steps for the proper treatment of cancer, AIDS/HIV patients and drug addicted people as well as establish rehabilitation center and treatment facilities for those patients.

3.i. to borrow or receive loans or take other measures to raise the fund with a view to fulfilling the objects of the Society.

3.j. to undertake and implement a program with a view to resist of all kinds of anti environmental activities and to provide legal assistance to prevent all kinds of pollution.

3.k. to provide all kinds of legal assistance to the workers of the tea garden, garments industry and undertake programs for the development of their socio economic condition.

3.1. to administer a Society fund, to establish and maintain legal aid and services units to be supported by grants from the Society.

3.m. to establish legal aid/assistance and human rights protection unit in the Bar Association and different localities of the country.

3.n. to promote and offer educational and training courses and to help set up institutes, colleges as may be deemed convenient for promotion of trained man power in the field of law and development in general and enter into such arrangement for joint collaboration with such other institution or university or center as may be convenient, either, locally, regionally or globally;

3.o. to set up training center and such other facilities such as arbitration and mediation center;

3.p. to publish law journal, original research articles and books and various legal subjects;

3.q. to carry on the business of printers and publishers of newspapers, periodicals and books;

3.r. to establish center for research and training on all aspects of law and social change, democracy, peace and human rights;

3.s. to coordinate with the work of the bodies including NGOs working in related fields nationally, regionally and internationally;

3.t. to promote an understanding and belief in the protection of human rights and in furtherance thereof to promote international understanding and co operation in an universal respect for the observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, religion, and color;

3.u. to promote and encourage Civil, Cultural and Economic rights;

3.v. to administer a Society Fund and to open bank accounts.

3.w. to organize seminar, discussion meeting and symposiums on various subjects for lawyers, teachers, students, intellectual, human rights activist, social workers and other interested persons.

3.x. to purchase, hire lease, exchange or otherwise acquire property moveable and immovable which may be necessary or convenient for purpose of the Society and construct alter or maintain such buildings and works as may be necessary for carrying out the object of the Society.

3.y. to sell, exchange or otherwise transfer or dispose of all or any property moveable or immovable of the Society.

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